Music for the new season for the children’s choir


The season is starting when Estonian choir directors, orchestra conductors, and music teachers think about how to smoothly master the repertoire for the upcoming Song Celebration, so that the singers and players are happy and also we ourselves are motivated to do our work. We are experts at integrating songs and orchestral pieces for the Song Celebration into our season’s performances. However, this does not meet all the needs of the season. And we always want something new and different. Sometimes it’s not possible, but sometimes it is. Noodimees (The Sheet-Music-Man) rummaged a bit in the Music Shelf and thought of offering something here, … this time, for the children’s choir.
One simple and cute song is Lauri Saatpalu / Marja-Leena Mikkola “Uneratsu laul” (Song of Dream Horse). I think this could be something to look into if you’re looking for something cool and catchy and not too complicated.
And aside from this, Noodimees has the idea of ​​offering a beautiful piece that is suitable for singing both at Christmas and on some other festive occasion. It might take a bit of practice (like any other song), but I think the singer would like it – Mari Amor “Salve Regina”
If you find time, take a look at these songs. If these songs don’t speak to you, maybe you will have other thoughts that will lead you to the next song that suits you. The music for the children’s choir, which is in Noodriiul, can be found here.

Joy of music to us all!

Happy birthday, dear composer Mari Amor!


Gradually and steadily, composer Mari Amor has written herself into the hearts of singers with her music. At the 2019 Song Festival “Minu arm” (“My Fatherland is My Love”), her choral piece “Päikese tõusu aegu” (“As the Sun Rises”) was performed by a women’s choir (lyrics by Villem Grünthal-Ridala). Originally composed for a children’s choir, “Esä taivan” (“Father in Heaven”) (lyrics by Artur Adson) has recently gained great popularity in almost all choir types and various ensembles. In July of this year, 2023, Mari Amor has an important birthday. We wish the composer a lot of happiness!
Please explore Mari Amor’s compositions and arrangements here.

The collection of new works of young authors “Oma laul” was published


In September 2022, the concert “Oma laul” was held in the Mustpeade House of the Tallinn Philharmonic, where the Estonian Youth Mixed Choir performed new works by young authors. The songs performed at that concert have now appeared in Noodiriiul as a collection of the same name. The collection contains the works of the following young authors – Brenda Pärtel, Triin Samuel, Egon Elbre, Kaspar Saakpakk, Luisa Susanna Kütson, Eerik Robert Ots, Patrik Sebastian Unt. Happy discovery to all lovers of choral music!

Eesti Vabariigi 104. aastapäevaks


Eesti Vabariigi aastapäev puudutab kõikide eestlaste südameid. See päev on pidulik, peetakse kõnesid ja kuulatakse kontserte ja kindlasti lauldakse. Enn Võrgu “Eesti lipp”, Johann Voldemar Jannseni “Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm” on kindlasti kavas ühislauludena paljudel sündmustel. Kooride kavades on palju isamaalisi laule. Noodiriiulil on pakkuda ka oma soovitusi nendesse kavadesse. Vabadussõjas langenute mälestuseks sobib hästi laulda Mart Siimeri ja Karl Eduard Söödi “Laul langenud kangelastele”. Head Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva!

Nothing can stop me!


The online music store Noodiriiul, in cooperation with the Estonian Song and Dance Celebration Foundation, publishes the collection “Nothing can stop me!”.
The collection, which includes works featured from the music gathering for 13th Youth Song Festival, contains 16 songs by 13 authors for different types of choirs. For the first time, musical works, which did not turn out to be selected for the 2023 song celebration program, but were recognized by the jury, will appear as a collection. Among the authors we find conductors, music teachers and instrumentalists.
Let`s sing!

At the Time in Seville


50 years ago, in 1971, the film “Don Juan in Tallinn” was made in the film studio Tallinnfilm, the script of which is based on Samuil Aljoshin’s play “At the Time in Seville”. As a curiosity, it should be noted that “Don Juan in Tallinn” was allegedly chosen as one of the three worst films of the Soviet Union that year. However, this has not prevented a high flight of the music written for the film, the author of which is the beloved composer Olav Ehala. Now you can find the song “Only this is Love”, which has become famous from this film, arranged for mixed choir (music by Olav Ehala, lyrics by Enn Vetemaa).

All Is Not Lost Yet! – Carl Robert Jakobson 180


July 26 marks 180 years since the birth of Carl Robert Jakobson. In the winter of 1869, Jakobson, also known as the author of the text under the pseudonym “Linnutaja” (The Birdman), suggested that Aleksander Kunileid, a new graduate of the Cimze Seminary, would create music for Lydia Koidula’s text “My Fatherland Is My Love”. This song was one of two works by an Estonian composer that was planned at the 1st Estonian Song Festival. Kunileid created for Jakobson’s own text male choir work with an apparently timeless title – “All is not lost yet”, which was published in 1871 in Jakobson’s own publication “Wanemuine kandle healed. Choirs of men with four voices. Published by C. R. Jakobson. Second section. “