Mixed Choir a cappella
Showing 13–24 of 27 resultsSorted by latest
Sirje Kaasik / Leelo Tungal “Sind ma tahan armastada”(I Like to Love You) for Mixed Choir
€2.00 Look -
Hain Hõlpus / Debora Vaarandi “Ööviiul” (Night Flower) for mixed choir
€3.00 Look -
Friedrich August Saebelmann “Kaunimad laulud” for mixed choir (The Most Beautiful Songs)
€2.00 Look -
Aleksander Kunileid / Lydia Koidula “Sind surmani” (Until I Die) for mixed choir
€2.00 Look -
Mariliis Valkonen / Jüri Üdi “Valge lind” ( White bird)
€2.00 Look -
Andres Lemba “Ubi caritas”
€3.00 Look -
Andres Lemba “Salve Regina”
€3.00 Look -
Ardo Ran Varres / Marie Heiberg “Minu laulus on jäänud üks igatsus järgi” (There is One Dream Left in My Song)
€3.00 Look -
Mari Amor / Valdur Mikita “Jumala juurde saamise test” (The Test of Getting to God)
€3.00 Look -
Mari Vihmand / Adam Cullen “Olematus” (Nonexistence)
€3.00 Look -
Works for Mixed Choir from Estonia 2021
€12.00 Look -
Aare Kruusimäe / Kristjan Jaak Peterson “Laulja” ( The Singer )
€3.00 Look
Showing 13–24 of 27 resultsSorted by latest