Miina Härma / Karl Ferdinand Karlson “Tuljak”/ “A Village Party”


Music by Miina Härma
Lyrics by Karl Ferdinand Karlson
Mixed Choir a cappella, G Major
Noodiriiul remarks: The basis of this publication is “The songs of the IX Estonian Song Celebration in Tallinn”, 1928, edited by A. Kasemets, Estonian Singers’ Union publication no. 4 1926, p. 75–83. The original key is A major, these notes are based on G major. The text has been updated in bars 17 (orig: “par-ta, a-ne-sid”), 30-31 (soprano, alto, tenor orig: “sä-ra-ma”), 42 (orig: “Vi-ru val-tsi ”). Minor differences from the original version occur in bars 23 (syllable distribution), 53 (orig: bass is on the same note for the whole bar, there is no octave jump), 57-58 (orig: the order of words is different: “mi-da-gi, pii-ga-ke-sed ”), 57 (orig: bass starts from a small octave g note and moves one octave below, not vice versa), 75–77 (orig: bass text “kee-ru-ta-vad, ha-ha-ha-ha! Täit-ke too-bid, tõst-ke-kan-nud, e-la-gu!”), 79 (orig: alto unison on F sharp). This publication has stuck to the music text that has been established in practice, for the sake of consistency in interpretation,

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